Lately Hollywood has been cranking out some truly sad horror films that aren’t even worthy enough to make any fan’s horror-boners twitch even a little. Well, the Evil Dead remake was good and Warm Bodies was stupid, but it somehow passed with it’s cuteness. Anyways, forget that Romeo and Juliet rip off!
Where’s the blood and guts!? When I go to a horror flick, the seats are returned to its upright and locked position and my mind goes on auto-pilot. Basking in the weird, shocking, crimson splatter of shredded flesh and fatal bite wounds (if I’m lucky). I’ll admit that I am no blood scholar, but I did run into this list of great films on BuzzFeed that will definitely fill your quota psychopaths and supernatural disembodiment. They give you the tour, in chronological order, of films from the obvious favorite Texas Chainsaw Massacre to that bizarre Italian flick previously condemned as a snuff film, Cannibal Holocaust. It’s a great variety of gross-out subgenres that I need to add to my “to-do” list.
So for those of you with the stomach, get on over to BuzzFeed and explore its 25 Great Gory Horror Films.