It could be argued that everyone on Facebook are zombies, but let’s not get into that. We’ve been lurking there for quite some time and unless you’re… A.) all mush in the head, B.) trapped under something heavy without a WiFi connection, or C.) just not from around here (RVA), then you may have not noticed that a couple of us are still aware enough between large helpings of coma-inducing brains to log into a few social networks.
For the uninitiated go and join the Richmond Zombie Walk Facebook group, where the RVA dead come to mumble and groan about local undead things. If you’re looking for an “official” word from your Richmond zombie overlords, just “like” us on our official Richmond Zombie Walk Facebook page. There you’ll get the feed on all things Richmond Zombie Walk. Hold up, you’re going to the main event, right? This is what we’re all about! Let the world know that you are attending the greatest annual Halloween event in Richmond at the event page for our 9th Annual Richmond Zombie Walk. AAAAND if that wasn’t enough, we sometimes get a few words out in the form of tweets every now and then. You can follow us on Twitter at @RVAZombieWalk.
Or you could just come here to RichmondZombieWalk.com – the hub of our online zombie existence. You’re always welcome and we hope that you enjoy your stay. If you could remove your hats and lean forward you can pay your bill right now… *CHOMP