For living and non-living alike it is always a good idea to know who your stumbling along with.
To boomstick or not to boomstick …
For those who have stumbled along the gravestones (and a few of the living) know ammunition is the key. We fear it and knowledgeably rejoice in the perfect firepower solution. This may be the product for you.
Check out Zombie Max Ammunition
The Zombie Brotherhood rides.
The Zombie Brotherhood rides.. for kids? Huh?
A group of motorcycle enthusiasts with a flair for the horribly dramatic raises money to help children with life threatening diseases and their families.
Philanthropic zombies on a mission
Zombies at Kings Dominion!
*This is not the actual Richmond Zombie Walk event. See the Event Info page for details on the 8th Annual Event on Saturday, October
It’s not official until …

For the past couple of years we have been fortunate enough to have Abigail Larson create amazing zombified event posters. This year she has out done herself again with our rotten little friend above. So with that, the event is officially official.
Like last year we will have prints available for $5 each at the pre-walk meetup on Saturday, October 27th at 1pm at Byrd Park out by Boat Lake.
Not only that, if you missed getting our 2011 and 2010 Richmond Zombie Walk poster, we’ll have those too.
AND Abigail will be there to sign them if you want. How horribly fantastic!
The Richmond Zombie Walk also has official stuff online that you can’t get anywhere else.. T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. although this isn’t about us!
There isn’t an emoticon for this, but we [bloody] <3 Abigail.