Admit it. You are a fan of meat. The dead kind that walk around and try to kill you and the kind that smells awesome sizzling in a pan right next to some scrambled eggs.
I often wonder where I can acquire these two kinds of things in a one-stop shopping experience. Well my friends, Think Geek has got you covered in this regard. They have taken the horror of salted pig flesh and humor of dead people and combined them into a special corner of the internet called “Zombies & Bacon” right over at ThinkGeek.com!
So after you bash some poor sucker of a zombie in the brains with your new Dead On Annihilator Superhammer, you’re going to need to get rid of that virus-ridden stank with a Bacon Scented Air Freshener.
Get you some at ThinkGeek.com. Yup. You’re welcome.