Our friends at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA have something special planned. You all should be good and thawed for this week’s activities.. His message is as follows..
It has been a dream of mine for a long time to have a zombie flash mob right when they blare that loud siren as a test for natural disasters here in Richmond.
And we are going to make it happen on Wednedsay April 7, 2010 at NOON. It will take place at the Compass on the VCU campus. However, we will be meeting before hand at 10 AM.
We will have an actor playing a priest and preaching the end of the world and then we will unleash the zombies on him. We’ll have a film crew there and I have some make-up artists helping out before the event.
Please email me if you’re interested and I’ll give you more details
I have about 20 zombies on board right now. The more the scarier!
(thank you in zombie)