Richmond, Virginia's Zombie Walk has become an annual tradition attracting young and old undead from all across the east coast. At its heart, the Richmond Zombie Walk is a fundraising parade benefiting various charities. We have costume contests and sometimes stage zombie attacks on poor innocent bystanders (all in the name of fun). So put on your bloody best and join the horror show!
This year’s zombie walk will take place on Saturday, October 30th.
Pre-walk meet up at Byrd Park (Boat Lake) is at 1pm and the actual walk will begin on the sidewalk in front of Kroger on W. Cary Stert in Carytown immediately after.
Plan your rides! This starting point is about 1 mile from the initial meet up spot.
Do you want to go beyond the basic bloody mess of a freshly turned zombie? Luckily we have some of the goriest zombies who are willing to show you how fun making rotting flesh can be. Make up and costume workshops will be held in October. Upcoming details can be found at
Here are the categories we’ll be judging. Prizes will be awarded at the pre-walk meet up.
– Most Disgusting
– Best Couple/Group Theme
– Best Pop Culture Theme (TV/Movie/Comic/Gaming)
– Best Zombie Kid
– 2010 Zombie of the Year (Best Overall)
Wanted: Willing victims (people to be turned into the undead during the event).
Our activities this year will benefit The American Cancer Society. Again,we won’t require anyone to make a donation, but if everyone can pitch in $5 each, it will be much appreciated. We were able to raise over $600 last year. An impressive goal that begs to be smashed this year. Let’s do this!
Again, stay tuned for upcoming information and details. If you have any questions, ideas or would like to help out in any way, send us a message at
I know this may be old news to some of you, but we haven’t said anything about it here and I’m almost ashamed for it.
Robert Kirkman’s graphic novel is coming to AMC as a live action tv series in October!
I’ve always been a huge fan of the graphic novel and to see this actually making the leap to television is one of the most exciting things to happen to the genre. Well, this and I’m interested to see the World War Z movie adaptation come out of pre-production hell.
Apparently I’ve been buried in the earth cowering from the summer heat too long to know that all kinds of Walking Dead production images, behind the scenes videos and interviews have been floating around the internet since last year.
Catch up (as I’ve been doing) at the show’s production blog and keep an eye out for this one later this fall.
Our friends at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA have something special planned. You all should be good and thawed for this week’s activities.. His message is as follows..
It has been a dream of mine for a long time to have a zombie flash mob right when they blare that loud siren as a test for natural disasters here in Richmond.
And we are going to make it happen on Wednedsay April 7, 2010 at NOON. It will take place at the Compass on the VCU campus. However, we will be meeting before hand at 10 AM.
We will have an actor playing a priest and preaching the end of the world and then we will unleash the zombies on him. We’ll have a film crew there and I have some make-up artists helping out before the event.
Please email me if you’re interested and I’ll give you more details